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Charity Navigator

Funding Sources

State of New Jersey

  • Department of Children and Families
  • Department of Community Affairs
  • Department of Health and Senior Services, Division of HIV, STD and TB Services-Ryan White-Mercer, Passaic, Monmouth, Atlantic, Ocean, Bergen, Cumberland
  • Department of Human Services

o   Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired

o   Division of Developmental Disabilities

o   Division of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

o   Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services

Care Plus NJ, Inc.

Center for Family Services

City of Newark Department of Child and Family Well-Being, Ryan White Title I HIV Emergency Relief Grant Program

City Of Trenton

CPC Behavioral Health Care

Family Connections

Horizon, Neighbors in Health

The IOLTA Fund of the Bar of New Jersey

Legal Services of New Jersey, Inc.

Monmouth County Mental Health Board

New Jersey State Bar Foundation

Ocean County Division on Aging

Rutgers Law School

Seton Hall Law School 

Union County Division on Aging


US Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women, Legal Assistance for Victims Program

Values Into Action PA (VIAPA)

Visiting Nurse Association of Central Jersey, DULCE Program



CHLP looks forward to collaborating with Values into Action and other outstanding partners on this crucial initiative. 


The Community Health Law Project is excited to announce a new partnership:


Values Into Action PA (VIAPA) was awarded a grant by the NJ Council on Developmental Disabilities to expand the capacity of New Jersey’s system of community-based housing and supports to serve those with complex medical and behavioral needs, including those who are aging.

The project entitled, Finally HOME will serve to raise awareness and expectations of people with complex support needs wo prefer to age in place with supports that they control and direct and that adapts with their life course.  Finally HOME will also inspire, enlighten and engage disability system partners to understand the viable and sustainable approaches and practices in supporting people with complex behavioral and medical needs and those who are aging.

VIAPA is honored to have partnered with the following organizations on this project: Community Health Law Project (CHLP), the Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN), LeDerick Horne and Bill Davis with The Black I/DD Consortium, Community Living Education Project (CLEP), The College of NJ Center for Sensory and Complex Needs, and The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities.



CHLP has partnered with multiple organizations to expand support for those in need. 


The Community Health Law Project is happy to announce the following partnerships and collaborations:


CHLP has partnered with the New Jersey Department of Human Services’ Division of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. The purpose of this partnership is to increase access to legal services, with appropriate communication accessibility services, for deaf and hard of hearing individuals with lower incomes. Funding for this partnership is provided by the Division of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

Recently, CHLP has become a partner in the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs’ Right to Counsel Pilot Project. This Department of Community Affairs funded project provides legal and social services assistance to low-income tenants at three pilot sites: Atlantic City, Trenton, and East Orange. CHLP will provide legal assistance to tenants with disabilities at all three sites.

Horizon and CHLP are collaborating in Horizon’s Neighbors in Health Program. Neighbors in Health aims to address the Social Determinants of Health of high-risk Horizon members by pairing them with Community Health Workers who provide support and linkages to services. In this collaboration, which is funded by Horizon, CHLP will be providing legal services to low-income participants of the Neighbors in Health Program in Essex County.  

CHLP is the legal partner at the Visiting Nurse Association of Central Jersey’s DULCE site in Freehold Borough. DULCE, or Developmental Understanding and Legal Collaboration for Everyone, is a research backed, innovative approach to pediatric care developed by the Center for the Study of Social Policy. The Freehold site is one of 13 DULCE sites nationwide.

The New Jersey Division of Mental Health and Addiction services has granted CHLP expansion funds to aid low-income New Jersey residents living with mental health conditions in housing related matters statewide. These additional funds will allow CHLP to aid more consumers to avert housing crises and potential homelessness.

As part of a comprehensive Housing Justice Program funded by the New Jersey legislature to Rutgers Law School and Seton Hall Law School in response to the global pandemic, the law schools have dedicated funds to CHLP to host two Housing Justice Fellows. The fellows will be providing assistance to low-income individuals with disabilities in housing related matters to help them avert eviction and promote housing stability. The two fellows will be placed in CHLP’s Collingswood and Elizabeth offices.

CHLP received a New Jersey State Bar Foundation Co-Sponsorship Grant to fund a one year fellowship in response to the pandemic eviction crisis. The fellow will provide housing and anti-eviction education and training to elderly tenants, tenants with disabilities, and the organizations that serve them, as well as provide direct legal services. The fellow will be based out of CHLP’s Elizabeth office.


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