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Charity Navigator


Are you having problems with a reverse mortgage, tax foreclosure or regular foreclosure? Are you having a loan modification issue? If you live in one of the following counties and have income under 250% of the poverty level, call the appropriate CHLP office:

Essex, Mercer, Union - call the Mercer office at 609-392-5553

Atlantic, Burlington, Canden, Cumberland, Gloucester, Ocean, or Salem - call the Camden office at 856-858-9500

CHLP offers free representation only to individuals whose income is no greater than 250% of the Federal Poverty Level (FLP). For example, in 2019 that means for an individual, CHLP's income limit is $31,225. For a family of two, the limit is $42,275; for a family of three, $53,325; and for a family of four, $64,375. The FPL figures increase slightly every year, and CHLP income limits are adjusted accordingly.

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